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4 Signs You Need Electrical Repair Work

March 8, 2024

Have you noticed some odd things happening with the electricity in your home lately? Some signs you need electrical repair include flickering lights, frequent tripped breakers, or outlets that don't seem to work anymore. Any of these could indicate you need electrical repair work. Knowing when to call an electrical contractor is important for safety and preventing further damage. Here are four signs that it's time to get professional electrical help.

1. Sparking Outlets or Switches

Seeing sparks, smelling burning plastic, or lights flickering when you plug something in or turn on a switch isn't normal. These are all warning signs, and you shouldn't ignore them. Sparking is often caused by loose wire connections and is a serious fire hazard if not addressed quickly. Contact an electrical contractor right away if you notice this issue anywhere in your home.

2. Frequent Tripped Breakers

It's normal for a breaker to trip occasionally if you overload an outlet. However, if you find certain rooms or entire circuits in your home trip breakers frequently under normal use, that likely means you have an underlying electrical issue. Faulty appliances or wiring problems cause excessive energy draws that trip breakers. Have an electrical contractor track down and fix the root cause before a fire occurs.

3. Odd Sounds From Electrical Panels

Hearing buzzing, sizzling, or crackling noises coming from your electrical panel is extremely concerning. This usually indicates arcing or loose wires, which risk triggering a panel fire capable of burning down your entire home. Immediately stop using outlets connected to the noisy panel and arrange for a same-day repair visit from an electrical contractor.

4. Unexplained Power Surges

Do your lights unexpectedly become brighter for a few seconds randomly, or do appliances turn themselves on without warning? These unexplained power surges often trace back to wiring problems allowing too much current through. Since dangerous voltage spikes can damage electronics and appliances over time, it's smart to have an electrical contractor check if your circuits need repairing.

Dealing with any odd electrical happenings ASAP is vital for preventing injuries and property damage. If you noticed one or more signs on this list in your home, call a licensed electrical contractor right away to schedule a repair appointment. According to IBISWorld, as of 2022, in the U.S. electrician industry, there were 1,105,860 people employed. Call Southern Electric of TN, Inc today if you're looking to hire an electrical contractor.

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There are a few great benefits you'll enjoy when you hire electrical contractors for residential lighting. Keep reading or contact us today to learn more.
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